The Insurance Company Is Ignoring Me?

Question:  I was injured in a car accident.  I contacted the insurance company and reported the claim.  They assigned an adjuster but I have not heard anything.  They are ignoring me.  What can I do?

Robert’s Answer:  The adjuster may be ignoring you for many reasons.  But your main problem is that you are handling your case by yourself, without the help of a personal injury attorney.  Likewise, the adjuster is not threatened by you because you do not have the legal knowledge and ability to enforce your rights.  When you choose to represent yourself, its’ like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Another reason the adjuster may be ignoring you is that you may be dealing with a very disreputable insurance company.  Unfortunately, there are many small, relatively unknown insurance companies out there who charge very low premiums and do not pay attention to the claims.

Yet another reason you are being ignored is because the insurance adjuster wants you to delay doing anything about your case or your injuries.  It is important to document all your injuries and get medical treatment as soon as possible.  It is also important to get pictures and document any eye-witnesses to your accident.  The longer you wait on these matters, then the weaker your injury case may become and the more likely information gets lost.

Either way, you need to know how to prepare your case and pursue your claims in court, if necessary.  You cannot count of the insurance company to help you.  Their job is to help their own client, not you.

The only way you can effectively protect your rights is to have an experienced car accident attorney representing you for your personal injuries.

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