Frequently Asked Questions Car Accidents How do I hire an attorney for my car accident case and what does it cost? What if the other driver did not have insurance? How do I get a copy of the accident report? Drunk Driving Accidents The Police Wonāt Give Me Insurance Information The Intersection Collision What if I was in a car wreck but had no insurance? Insurance & Coverage Articles Am I Covered in a Company Car? Motorcycle Accidents Am I more likely to win my case if I am in a motorcycle accident than a car accident? What can other vehicle operators do to avoid a collision with a motorcycle? What are some safety tips that motorcyclist should follow? Trucking Accident What sort of things will a trucking accident attorney do for my case? What are the most common factors that cause trucks to crash? What sort of laws or regulations apply to company trucks? Wrongful Death How do I file a wrongful death case? What can I sue for in a case involving wrongful death? How much can I get for a wrongful death case? Categories "How to" Articles & "Dos and Dont's" Accident & Safety Articles Animal Attacks Ask Robert C. Slim Case Negotiation & Settlement Issues Court & Trial Articles Insurance & Coverage Articles Litigation Issues News & Announcements Personal Injuries Drunk Driving Accidents Personal Injury Basics Personal Injury Blog The Attorney/Client Relationship