When Do Pedestrians Have the Right-of-Way Over a Vehicle?

Does a Pedestrian Always Have the Right-of-Way? There is a common understanding that pedestrians always have the right-of-way over vehicles on the roads. When a someone gets hit by a car, pedestrian injuries tend to be very serious and even fatal. Because of this, most people believe that they should automatically be compensated for their

When Do Pedestrians Have the Right-of-Way Over a Vehicle? Read More »

What is “Discovery” in a Texas Personal Injury Lawsuit?

“Discovery” the process where each party has an opportunity to investigate the facts relevant to the claims and defenses in a pending lawsuit. The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure (TRCP), starting with Rule 190, generally govern the discovery process and the obligations of the parties in Texas litigation. In a personal injury case, Texas discovery

What is “Discovery” in a Texas Personal Injury Lawsuit? Read More »

Top Reasons Why Insurance Companies Might Deny Your Injury Claim.

Since 1994, I have been helping injured Texans handle their injury claims throughout the Dallas area. Through the years, I have also heard almost every reason why insurance companies deny claims. Here are some reasons why an insurance company might deny your injury claim and what you can do to avoid it. 1. No Fault

Top Reasons Why Insurance Companies Might Deny Your Injury Claim. Read More »

Is There a “First Bite” Rule in Texas?

Let’s say you are at a dog park in Dallas, Texas.  Although your dog was on a leash, it accidentally slipped out of your hand.  The dog then runs up to another person an bit him on the leg.  The dog has never bit anyone before and never showed aggressive tendencies.  Are you still liable

Is There a “First Bite” Rule in Texas? Read More »

How is a Minor Child’s Money Handled in a Personal Injury Settlement?

Question:   My daughter was a pedestrian that was hit by a car and suffered some serious injuries.  She is a minor.  I want to bring a claim or lawsuit against the responsible party.  But I was told that the money would be placed in an account set up by the court until she is eighteen

How is a Minor Child’s Money Handled in a Personal Injury Settlement? Read More »

How Long Does Car Accident Litigation Take?

Question:  I have a car accident attorney in Dallas.  I was told that a lawsuit must be filed.  How long will that take? Robert’s Answer:  That’s a hard question to answer. I’ve had cases where settlements took a matter of weeks and nobody ever saw the inside of a courtroom.  I’ve also had cases that

How Long Does Car Accident Litigation Take? Read More »

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