Five Things Every Motorcyclist Should Know

Motorcycle Accident Attorney in DallasMaybe you ride your motorcycle strictly for transportation. Or, maybe you ride just for fun. Either way, you need to know the laws in Texas that govern motorcycle operation, and the rights that you have as a motorcycle operator.

For starters, Texas offers multiple levels of motorcycle instruction. The basic motorcycle operator’s license is a “Class M” license. This is primarily for new drivers and is meant to teach you how to ride your motorcycle safely in traffic. The intermediate course is for those who have previously operated a motorcycle, but have not obtained their license. The final advanced level you can think of as getting a PhD in motorcycle operation.

Fast Fun and Quick Danger

Let’s face it!  Motorcycles are fun, but they are dangerous.  Especially when riding in crowded cities like Dallas and the surrounding areas. Injuries from motorcycle accidents can be significantly more serious than those involving two cars. That is simply because a car offers more protection around the occupants than a motorcycle.

Consumer Reports noted that motorcycle fatalities in 2015,  increased tenfold in the USA over the previous year. On average, this means that there was not a single day in 2015 without a motorcycle accident fatality on Texas roadways.  In fact, the deadliest day saw 22 killed.  Therefore, you should be aware of certain points of Texas motorcycling laws before you take to the road.

  1. Lane splitting: Land splitting is before the Texas legislature, but for the time being it is not legal.
  2. Riders under the age of 21 must wear a helmet. Riders over 21 years may ride without a helmet only if they have completed a motorcycle safety course and have appropriate insurance.
  3. A motorcycle passenger must be five years or older and if under the age of 21 must wear a helmet.
  4. A motorcycle built to carry more than one person must have handholds and foot rests for the passenger’s use.
  5. Motorcycles are not required to have turn signals, but operators should know their hand signals in order to drive safely.

Learning to operate a motorcycle safely does not mean that you’re free and clear. A lot of other drivers will be sharing the road with you, and some of them might not being paying as much attention as they should. Distracted driving is a huge cause of accidents.  One of the most common excuses I hear from car drivers is, “I never even saw the bike!”

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you are injured on a motorcycle, call an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Dallas .  This is the best way to recover the money you will need to meet your expenses and costs for medical care. Just as with drivers of trucks and automobiles, motorcyclists must have liability insurance in the state of Texas. However, if you are injured while driving your motorcycle, your basic insurance policy may not be enough. You will need to retain a personal injury attorney who can help you protect your rights.


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